Thursday, 31 July 2014

Its Time to Wake Up - Entry for Bethan's Challenge


Its time to wake up. To see the world properly. You're getting older now. You can't keeping living in your dream.

Its time to wake up. It's time to see the trouble that's going on around you. To notice that not everyone is as lucky as you.

Its time to wake up. It's time to take your life into your own hands. To stop relying on others.

Its time to wake up. To decide what your going to do. To be serious. It's time to stop playing around, getting into trouble.

Its time to wake up. Its time to notice who you are and what you're doing on this planet.

I hoped you enjoyed this. It's my entry for Bethan's writing challenge. Bethan, I hope you like it! 

One other thing, I am starting a novel and I'm wondering if people would like me to share some. Please tell me!


Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Katarina Grace Joyce


A while ago I got a comment saying 'Heya Kat! (ooh I love your name so much)
I love your blog. :) I'll be following soon-- thank you for all the sweet comments on my blog, girl!
' from Tane on my 'About' page where I told everyone my real name (if you haven't seen Tane's blog, go check it out. She's awesome).

This comment made me really happy, more happy than I think anyone could have imagined. It was really nice.

My name has been the source of some embarrassment. I used to go by Katarina when I was little but I soon stopped.

A while ago I met this boy, he shall not be named, and we were talking and my full name (Katarina Grace Joyce) came up. When the boy heard my name, he laughed. I was really hurt, but more by what he said afterwards.

"Your name sounds like a dolls. Sort of stiff and silly," I really wish I hadn't let this get to me. After all, he's only one boy, but sadly it has hurt me a lot. I lost a lot a confidence about my name and soon started going by Kat.

So yes, my name has been a huge embarrassment. That's why I was surprised and happy when Tane left this comment.

Thanks Tane! Thanks to everyone who has read this post because it felt good telling people about this:)


Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Best Friends


A best friend is someone whose always there for you.
Someone who will risk anything for you.
Who will always make time to listen to you when you feel down.
A best friend is someone who knows everything about you and doesn't judge.
Someone who understands your obsessions.
A person who shares your passions.
A best friend is someone who you trusts you trust them back.
That's what being a best friend is all about!

Monday, 28 July 2014

Honest Trailers

I look back at my last posts and realise, maybe they're not as appreciated as I thought. Not everyone loves my moody writing.

Maybe I should post something different, something light hearted and fun! Something people can enjoy reading:)

So today I decided to post...Some favourite YouTube videos!
You see recently I found this channel on YouTube which posts what they call 'Honest Trailers'. Which are just what they sound. Honest trailers to movies:)

This one is really funny! I never really noticed all the problems until they pointed them out though:P It is really worth watching. It will definitely make you smile.

I really love this movie and this trailer has only made me love it more. It tells you everything you need to know about the movie in the most boring way possible and it makes out it's terribles:).

Another LOTR. Its done it again with it's wit and humour that can't help but make you have a great time:)

I have never watched Twilight or ever felt the need to, but this made me laugh my head off. You see I'm not really a vampire fan! (Sorry all you Twilight fans out there)


Hope you enjoyed this rather random post!


Sunday, 27 July 2014



You can be in the middle of a room full of people and you can be lonely. Loneliness isn't being alone, it's not having anyone in your life. It's a lack of friends, support, life. It's not something that time can fix, time only makes it worse.
Loneliness is like an illness, once the seed is planted, it will grow and grow, unless tendered, it can become life threatening and kill all happiness you ever knew.
Loneliness is always there, trying to find a way in, waiting till you let down your guard, then striking!
It starts out small, one weed, but like all weeds, it grows and spreads out until your covered in it.
That's loneliness. It's one of the worlds worst illness, but one of the most common!

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Who I am!


I'm the girl who is never noticed.
In a room full of people, I'm never the one who catches your eyes.
I'm the one who sits at the back on the room, trying to be invisible.
I'm the one who is always out of fashion, the one who get's laughed at.
I'm the girl who no one knows who is.
The girl who has never had a boyfriend, gone to a party, had a lot of girl friends.
That's me! That's who I will always be. No matter what I do, I will never change.


Thursday, 24 July 2014



Welcome to my new blog:) I have seen so many blogs and I always thought that blogging sounded so cool, so here I am, starting out on my own blog! I'm super excited.

Let me first tell you about myself, I'm a fifteen year old nerd from Australia. I am more than I slight bit crazy and I might just have a massive obsession with Dr Who (just might).

I come from a family of three. I'm the youngest. My older two brothers, Leo and Cameron, are great, but I have always wanted a sister. Being the only girl is not what it's made out to be, neither is being the youngest really.

What else? Oh yes, I am a Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Bronte sisters, fan. I love classics, like who doesn't? I can't put these books down. My book shelves are packed with these books. I often wonder if the authors new just how famous they would become. If you ask anyone if they have heard of Jane Austen, they're bound to say yes!

Another thing is that I'm a kind of wannabe writer. I write crazy, far fetched novels and weird haikus(if you don't know it's a kind of poetry). I don't know how I got started, all I know is that I now can't stop. I get some free time and I find myself writing. I guess it's who I am.

That's about all I can think of about me. Sad that there's so little, but I'm sure the pile of things you know about me will grow as you get to know me a bit better.

Thank you so much for finding this blog and taking the time to read all about me! It's kind of disappointing to see just how boring I am:P

Hope I see you guys again soon, bye!
