Friday, 6 March 2015

It Doesn't Last

Riding in his car, I looked over at my man and smiled. So strong, so handsome, how could anything go wrong?

We were different, we were meant to be together. Nothing could get to us. We loved each too much!

But suddenly that's all gone! How did this happen? How did we stop talking? Why aren't we always around each other.

What happened to 'us'? Why can't things stay the same forever? Why did we have to be like everyone else? Why aren't can't we have a fairy tale?

Walking around a shop, I see him through the shelves. I look down, pretending I didn't notice him. A tear slips down my face. It's all so wrong. Why?

This is so rough, but I haven't written anything like it for ages. I just wanted to play around and see what would happen. So here you are. BTW, I've a post coming soon on Pixabay!


  1. What's Pixabay? I'm excited to read your post!
    This is so beautiful, Kat. With love, unfortunately, comes heart-break.

    Cloudy Dreams//Blog

    1. It's an image site which I found! It's where I got the image above.
      Thank you! It's sad, but with younger love, sadly true.

  2. Nice and succinct :) well written!

  3. You really have a knack for this :)

  4. Oh my god.....A bit of me just died inside ♥

    You are talented beyond belief. How can you write like that?! TEACH ME!
    You should definitely write more posts like this. I write a bit, but not as good as this. I would be honoured if you would take a little look maybe? Comment?
    Just up there^ Thank you so much!

    1. I'm so glad you like this!
      I'd love to write more. It's really what I enjoy doing. Writing random things and having people read and review them.
      I'm looking up now! Thank you for sharing the link. I'm looking forward to reading it.

  5. Beautiful, Kat! Ah, love. Such a lovely feeling, but when it's young, it's ever so fleeting. Stay strong. <3

    1. Thank you! That's the perfect way of phrasing it.

  6. Interesting concept—I'd like to know more!

  7. Oh gosh...this is so sad. :( But so good, too.

  8. I LIKE IT. I WANTED TO READ MORE. And then it ended. *glares*
    hehe, Just kidding. ;-) Well done, Kat!

    1. Thank you! Maybe it was a bit short? Should I try something long perhaps?


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